"Welcome to the new urban era"

"Welcome to the new urban era" is the motto of this years Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona and Berlin is right in the middle of the leading Smart City event.
Thanks to Germany Trade & Invest, we had the possibility to showcase Berlin as a leading hub for urban innovation.
After a brief presentation by Janis Gummersbach about the Berlin startup ecosystem, our insightful panel discussion “Smart City Berlin – More Space for Innovation” with Thomas Krause, Stefan Kögl und Wolfgang Korek answered many questions about some of the most exciting urban development sites.
In the matchmaking format "meet the German cities" Michael Lesch and Robin Bruck were able to address individual requests by international delegates.
If you wish to learn more about your possibilities in Berlin, use the opportunity and reach out to our colleagues at booth D 91 in Hall 2 on the last day of #SCEWC23!
Get in touch with our exhibitors DKSR - Daten-Kompetenzzentrum Städte und Regionen, LiangDao Deutschland, Peregrine.ai, qoob, Siemens, Tegel Projekt GmbH, Dipl.- Ing. Jana Mrowetz with Urban Cell GmbH, Urban Lighting Innovations GmbH, virtualcitySYSTEMS.
Autor: Berlin Partner Unit for Energy I Environment I Smart City
Source: LinkedIn